Sunday, July 13, 2008
I am once again a SLACKER!! I always think that I am going to keep this updated and before I know it weeks and months have gone by. There has been a lot that has happened in the last little while. 1st off I'd like to put a shout out to TARA from CANADA-my good friend and co-worker ended up leaving two weeks ago to go be with her husband(I don't know what that's all about-dumping the awesome people in Colorado to go be with her husband in Idaho-sheesh!!!), you will be missed and we will always have mexico :). Keep in touch
I also hiked my first 14ner this summer with my dad back in June-SO it said that it was only 6 miles round trip-I thought well that shouldn't be that bad-so why train before going-well when you gain about 3,000 feet in 3 miles let me just say-it kinda took me by surprise. Both me and my dad were waiting for the other person to say hey lets just turn back-but if you know me or my dad we won't be the one to say let turn back-we are competitive that way so needless to say we persevered and we did get to the top after hiking through some snow.But it showed us that we should of acclimated our lungs and heart to higher elevations slowly then just jumping into hiking a 14,000 foot mountain.
Next, one of my friends that I had in elementary school decided to come visit-I hadn't seen her in over 20 years-it was AWESOME to see her and her two kids. She truely is a true friend-I wish however that I had had more time to spend with them but nonetheless it was good the little time I did have.
I had a family reunion in Kansas-which was a lot of fun to see my family-some of my sibling I hadn't seen in like F-O-R-E-V-E-R-my cousin Kevin makes it so much fun-he is such a goofball. I will just post some picks-pictures are worth way more then I can write.
I will try and do better at this but I make no promises.
Posted by HikingHera at 9:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So my birthday was a good one-I went to see Indiana Jones with a few of my Young Women and while I was gone my friend Tara decorated my room with streamers and balloons and isicles ALL over the place-it was great and then I had a softball game that night which I didn't do so well but it was fun to play. Then my family celebrated with a BBQ-It's always fun to spend time with the fam.a> Tobi took this pic-he loves my camera and tripod-he puts the timer on and then comes and sits on my lap and poses. He is so much fun and now JoJo is starting to pic up on the camera thing as well.
Another pic Tobi took and JoJo wanted to be in on it
JoJo loves the whipping cream so his mom put a bunch on
his hand he smashed it in his face. Tobi had to get some whipping cream as well
Fun Family pic
Posted by HikingHera at 8:51 PM 1 comments
June is here and almost gone!!!
So I haven't written in awhile-things have been kinda busy around here. I have helped with my brothers yard moving TONS O' Rock, I unfortunatly had a birthday and turned a year older, work is keeping me busy and I am learning lots and lots. They say pictures are worth a thousand words so instead of telling you I will show you :)
The bobcat was not only for moving rocks you have to have lil fun with it
JoJo had so much fun riding with his dad
Tobi couldn't get enough of the tracter
JoJo and me on the top of some of the rock pile
JoJo climbed up on the tractor all by himself and he was so proud of himself
Posted by HikingHera at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Getting ready to go into the Zoo
Riding the Train around the Zoo
At the end of the day we didn't even make it back to the car before Tobi fell asleep. We had a fun time just hangout and playing. He did however score a little stuffed lion and we named him ROAR and then we got JoJo a little monkey to take home to him since he missed all the live animals.
Posted by HikingHera at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
So for my boss's birthday Tara and I decorated his office with streamers from the ceiling to right about face level-just long enough to make it annoying. Ya gotta love it-cause you know he did :). What's not to love with me and Tara.
We have quite a good time at work and especially around Scott aka Big Daddy D ;) (which Tara and Scott are probebly the only ones that will get why I called him Big Daddy D) anyways, the streamers was just the beginning of the birthday-then we has some pic of scott lamenated and hung out in the waiting room so all the patients could see that it was the Dr.s birthday.
Look at that photogenic guy
Scott knows that something is up-but he didn't know what :)
He loves for mountain dew was very strong till about a week ago-now he decided that he's not drinking it anymore but Tara made him a cake that looked like a Mountain Dew can. It was great!! and tasted great too!!! So then we planned with Liz to go to dinner with out Scott knowing that Tara and I were going-so we met up with Liz and Scott at P F Changs and surprised him with a huge balloon with a picture of his face on it and a birthday crown. You know that he loved it :) We did!!!
Scott and Liz waiting to be seated at dinner
Scott, Andrea, Tara, and Liz
After dinner for his birthday gift Tara and I surprised him with tickets to the blue man group at the budweiser events center. So before the show we were being goofballs.
Me and Tara with Scott trying to smoosh Tara's fish head.
Scott and Liz-ahhhh!!! What a cute couple
The group at the blue man group
One of the blue men
It was a great time watching the blue men-It's hard to explain to exactly all they do-but I would highly recommend anyone to go see them. It's exciting and very interactive.
Posted by HikingHera at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Me and Keals(the super star)
Nugget Man shooting but it didn't help-they lost
Stefan and his boys