Sunday, July 13, 2008
I am once again a SLACKER!! I always think that I am going to keep this updated and before I know it weeks and months have gone by. There has been a lot that has happened in the last little while. 1st off I'd like to put a shout out to TARA from CANADA-my good friend and co-worker ended up leaving two weeks ago to go be with her husband(I don't know what that's all about-dumping the awesome people in Colorado to go be with her husband in Idaho-sheesh!!!), you will be missed and we will always have mexico :). Keep in touch
I also hiked my first 14ner this summer with my dad back in June-SO it said that it was only 6 miles round trip-I thought well that shouldn't be that bad-so why train before going-well when you gain about 3,000 feet in 3 miles let me just say-it kinda took me by surprise. Both me and my dad were waiting for the other person to say hey lets just turn back-but if you know me or my dad we won't be the one to say let turn back-we are competitive that way so needless to say we persevered and we did get to the top after hiking through some snow.But it showed us that we should of acclimated our lungs and heart to higher elevations slowly then just jumping into hiking a 14,000 foot mountain.
Next, one of my friends that I had in elementary school decided to come visit-I hadn't seen her in over 20 years-it was AWESOME to see her and her two kids. She truely is a true friend-I wish however that I had had more time to spend with them but nonetheless it was good the little time I did have.
I had a family reunion in Kansas-which was a lot of fun to see my family-some of my sibling I hadn't seen in like F-O-R-E-V-E-R-my cousin Kevin makes it so much fun-he is such a goofball. I will just post some picks-pictures are worth way more then I can write.
I will try and do better at this but I make no promises.
Posted by HikingHera at 9:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So my birthday was a good one-I went to see Indiana Jones with a few of my Young Women and while I was gone my friend Tara decorated my room with streamers and balloons and isicles ALL over the place-it was great and then I had a softball game that night which I didn't do so well but it was fun to play. Then my family celebrated with a BBQ-It's always fun to spend time with the fam.a> Tobi took this pic-he loves my camera and tripod-he puts the timer on and then comes and sits on my lap and poses. He is so much fun and now JoJo is starting to pic up on the camera thing as well.
Another pic Tobi took and JoJo wanted to be in on it
JoJo loves the whipping cream so his mom put a bunch on
his hand he smashed it in his face. Tobi had to get some whipping cream as well
Fun Family pic
Posted by HikingHera at 8:51 PM 1 comments
June is here and almost gone!!!
So I haven't written in awhile-things have been kinda busy around here. I have helped with my brothers yard moving TONS O' Rock, I unfortunatly had a birthday and turned a year older, work is keeping me busy and I am learning lots and lots. They say pictures are worth a thousand words so instead of telling you I will show you :)
The bobcat was not only for moving rocks you have to have lil fun with it
JoJo had so much fun riding with his dad
Tobi couldn't get enough of the tracter
JoJo and me on the top of some of the rock pile
JoJo climbed up on the tractor all by himself and he was so proud of himself
Posted by HikingHera at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Getting ready to go into the Zoo
Posted by HikingHera at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
So for my boss's birthday Tara and I decorated his office with streamers from the ceiling to right about face level-just long enough to make it annoying. Ya gotta love it-cause you know he did :). What's not to love with me and Tara.
We have quite a good time at work and especially around Scott aka Big Daddy D ;) (which Tara and Scott are probebly the only ones that will get why I called him Big Daddy D) anyways, the streamers was just the beginning of the birthday-then we has some pic of scott lamenated and hung out in the waiting room so all the patients could see that it was the Dr.s birthday.
Look at that photogenic guy
Scott knows that something is up-but he didn't know what :)
He loves for mountain dew was very strong till about a week ago-now he decided that he's not drinking it anymore but Tara made him a cake that looked like a Mountain Dew can. It was great!! and tasted great too!!! So then we planned with Liz to go to dinner with out Scott knowing that Tara and I were going-so we met up with Liz and Scott at P F Changs and surprised him with a huge balloon with a picture of his face on it and a birthday crown. You know that he loved it :) We did!!!
Scott and Liz waiting to be seated at dinner
Scott, Andrea, Tara, and Liz
After dinner for his birthday gift Tara and I surprised him with tickets to the blue man group at the budweiser events center. So before the show we were being goofballs.
Me and Tara with Scott trying to smoosh Tara's fish head.
Scott and Liz-ahhhh!!! What a cute couple
The group at the blue man group
One of the blue men
It was a great time watching the blue men-It's hard to explain to exactly all they do-but I would highly recommend anyone to go see them. It's exciting and very interactive.
Posted by HikingHera at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Last Saturday it was Tobi and Joey's birthday party. Tobi turned the BIG 3 and Joey turned the BIG 1. We all went over to my brother's house where they had gotten a big tonka truck jumping castle. Where everyone had a blast on.
Christy my sister-in-law made a pinyata and the kids had a blast swinging away at the truck pinyata. It was full of toys-it so funny to watch the young one swing half heartedly with one hand.
It wasn't just the kids that had to test the jumping truck Stefan and Tobi jumping-Tobi enjoyed jumping on the "truck" and he went and went until he finally crashed. Stefan his dad was having just as much fun on the jumping truck as Tobi was. It was a blast!!
One of Tobi's favorite things to do is jumping on jumping castles so he had a blast and Joey did his own thing with just sitting and bouncing to his own rhythm. Joey was really having a great time even though it looks like he was yelling-it was excitement :) JoJo-who put this hat on me
Tobi and Andrea out after a long day of pure fun!!!
We all played hard until we crashed-it's hard being a kid and having so much to do. But someones got to do it :)
Posted by HikingHera at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Brindisi's is Sweet 16
So one of my YW just turned 16-as sad as I am to lose her from my class I am happy for her because she is so excited to be 16 and all that comes with that age :). So a couple days after her birthday the Mia Maids all went over to Brindisi's house and surprised her and ate banana splits. We also played cranium-which can I sayv I am not good at and then we played another "game" that Brindisi made up and it was YOU dancing in front of everybody to a song that she put on-it was quite funny :) We all had a great time. My girls rock!!! Here are some pics of the fun evening.
Posted by HikingHera at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
That's me a slacker! I haven't written on here for quite some time. Things have been pretty busy. Last weekend I was able to go snowboarding with the Kealey-meister and her dad. It was a lot of fun. We went up Thursday night and came home Saturday. It's nice being able to just stay up there instead of fighting with the traffic to come home. Can I also tell you that the price for snowboarding is absolutely ridiculous. If you can-it's just better to buy a season pass-it takes you like 4 times to have it completely paid off. Just for one day was $86.00. I am totally in the wrong business ;) But all in all it was fun-I like to board with Kealey because we like to do the same crazy things in the trees even if we get seperated and lost in the forest :)
Saturday afternoon after I got home I picked up my nephew Tobi and we got to make cookies together-he loves to play with the mixer so anytime I make something he has to be involved-I don't mind because he is a blast to play with and such a sweet heart and my little bud.
Sunday was Easter-I did the church thing and I had to teach my Young Women-it really was a great lesson-not because I taught but because the girls had some amazing questions and they taught me more then anything. I love classes like that where there is tons of interaction and not just me up front "teaching". Then my family went down to my sister in law Christy's parents house for Easter dinner-it was a lot of fun- and it was good to see her family. We also got to celebrate little JoJo's 1st birthday-I can't believe he is a year old. I will have to get some pics up when I get a chance. Until next time
Posted by HikingHera at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Utah Snowboarding
Last weekend was a lot of fun-I was able to go out to Utah and see my great friend Brooke and we went snowboarding on Saturday up at the Canyons in Park City- it was a lot of fun to hangout with Brooke and teach her how to snowboard-the snow however was not so good-the wind was so strong that it blew most of the fresh powder off the mountain so you had a lot of ice-not powder-not fun. However it was like 55 degrees early on in the day and then my 3 it had dropped 20 degrees and was snowing and little ice pelts were hitting our face causing some extreme pain. Which probebly didn't help with me getting sick with the crap that's going around so I ended up in bed on my vacation-which I felt so bad for Brooke-but she was a great hostess and I appreciated everything she did for me. Monday-I flew home and slept most of the time in the airport and on the plane. Other then that the Monday was a blurrrrrrrr....I went back to work on Wednesday and really a whole lot hasn't happend-I am still sick and trying to get better....until next time
Posted by HikingHera at 6:37 PM 1 comments
100 AMAZING factoids about ME!!!!
Alright-so I jumped on this moving band wagon and decided to do 100 factoids about me-I don't really think that I am that interesting but here you go!!
Things you always wanted to know-
1. I am 1 of 8 kids- 6boys and 2 girls.
2. I have lived in 9 different states/1 province-(Missouri, Wisconson(2x), Utah(2x), Oklahoma, Connecticut, New Jersey, Colorado, TX, Hawaii and Canada).
3. I love to Mtn Bike, hike, snowboard-do anything active.
4. I love my Zoe the wonder dog.
5. I have been skydiving and it wasn't as scary as I had hoped for the adrenaline rush.
6. Summer of 2007 my dad and I hiked 4 14ners and a bunch of "smaller" mtns.
7. Petrified if Snakes-small or large it doesn't matter they are GROSS
8. Favorite salad is the Oriental Grilled Chicken salad from Applebees-that's about the only thing that I will eat there.
9. Did a zip line with my loser friend Tara in Mexico-where I also faced my fear of Snakes and wrapped a Python around my neck long enough to take a pic-YUCK!!!! I don't like to look at the pics.
10. Least favorite food is anything that is in the water and that has some kind of gill or suction cup attached to them...aka...seafood
11. I am the COOOOLEST Aunt :)
12.I have been a cancer survivor for 8 years-YEAH Baby!!!
13. I am the coolest person in my office:-):-):-)-Luv ya Tara and Scott
14.I play on a softball team and a kickball team
15. I served a mission in Canada
16. I have 18 Nieces and Nephews
17. I LOVE the twilight series-I need to find me an Edward
18. My favorite Color is yellow-it makes me smile
19. I am a Denver Bronco fan
20.My favorite holiday is Christmas-I love the lights and the giving
21. I love all the seasons but I do like the spring/summer the best cause it's warm and you can be outdoors without layers.
22. I like to make people laugh even if it's at my expense.
23. I have been in the dental field for 8 years.
24. I think video games are dumb when done in excess-maybe cause I suck at them-I don't see the point when played for hrs and hrs.
25. I love romantic comedy movies
26. I love Doris Day movies
27. I have always wanted to go to Africa and go on a Safari-as long as I don't see any anacondas :)
28. I like to bake
29. I love to bake chocolate chip cookies with my nephew Tobi
30. I love to hangout with my family-I just wish some of my family liked to hangout with me :).
31. I wish I was musically inclined-but I am not.
32. I don't sew-it's cheaper sometimes and WAY faster to buy
33. I love photography
34. I love thunderstorms
35. I love the smell right after it rains.
36. I have to have music or the T.V. on all the time-I don't like silence.
37. I don't like shopping-I'd rather be outdoors or playing something with the guys.
38. I love the T.V. show-Grey's Anatomy and Smallville-Tom Welling can rescue me anytime.
39. I have flipped over my bicycle handlebars a lot mtn biking-it always made for a great story telling and great war wounds.
40.I wanted a little sister so bad growing up that I would dress my younger brothers up in my dresses and put barretts in their hair and put makeup on them until they got to big for my dresses :) Now if they fit into my dresses I would cry. ;)
41. I get annoyed easliy with stupid people and there are a lot of stupid people in this world.
42. First thing I notice on people is their smile/teeth and then their eyes.
43. I consider myself a loyal friend and am always there when people need me.
44. I use to push myself a lot harder at sports but as I am getting older my body needs a lot more time to heal.
45. I hate crying, especially in front of people
46. I say a lot of stupid things
47. I hate garage sales-other peoples junk are not other peoples treasure
48. I love to work out-it makes me feel happy
49. Colorado is my favorite state-it's sunny most of the time-if it had the beach-it would be a perfect state.
50. I am halfway done and very greatful for that
51. I get amused easily
52. I miss a lot of my old friends that have married and moved and don't keep in touch.
53. I took ice skating lessons when I was younger-but am not very good at it
54. I love to play rollerhockey
55. I want to go to New York City at Christmas time and ice skate at Rockefellar center
56. I love the fresh snow but when it turns into slush-i don't like it
57. Politics annoy me
58. I don't get embarassed that easily-but a funny story: When I was on my mission in Canada-I didn't want to walk around this fence so I decided to climb it and just as I hopped over the top the bottom of my dress got caught on top of the fence-so as I went down my dress went up-so I was dangling there-laughing and all you saw was long white underwear-the fence was too tall for me to try and get off myself but my companion was laughing too hard to help me....finally I got down.
59. I would rather be single then deal with some of the crap my friends and family have had to deal with.
60. I wish I was more technical savvy
61.I had braces when I was 14
62. I don't like confrontation-but I will stand up for myself if needed
63. I enjoy reading if the book catches my attention if not I can't read it.
64. I am left handed, but play all sport right handed(except I throw left handed)
65. I like mexican, italian, chinese, tai, a lot of things as long as it's americanized
66. I think it would be fun to hanglide
67. I drink a lot of water-therefore I pee a lot
68. I eat pretty healthy
69. I love to travel
70. I also love to stay at home
71. I want to be on dancing with the stars so I can get a killer body ;)
72. I can crosstich, but haven't for years
73. I love working with the youth
74. I tried to become a "Big Sister" but for some reason(I think religion played into it) was never contacted back.
75. While playing rollerhockey I got hit in the shins with the puck thanks to Stefans slap stick shot and the puck ricocheted off of my shins and instantly swelled-I hobbled over to the side trying not to cry-it hurt so bad-I was fine until one of my friends came over and sat by me and asked if I was ok and that's when the water works started. I had two huge bumps for a couple weeks.
76. Biked in Moab-wrecked so hard on my right leg-it was black from my knee to ankle-I couldn't kneel on it for 6 months.
77. Right now my hair is the longest it's ever been
78. Don't make friend easy but hold on to the ones that I have
79. Want to learn sign language but don't have the patience.
80. I try to be optomistic
81. I go through cars like dirty underwear-I am doing good on my car I have now-I have had it almost 2 years
82. I want a Moped-it's be cool
83. I went to BYU-Hawaii
84. I am a dog person, cats are ok
85. I think it would be fun to own a pott-belly pig
86. The only cat that I would really want is a Tiger
87. I like music but don't have a favorite group-whatever I like-I like
88. I love Starburst jellybeans
89. I like to dance-I don't know if I am good but I enjoy myself
90. Favorite time of week is Thurday at 5pm
91. Least favorite time of day is 5:40am everyday :)
92. Cleaning is my least favorite thing to do
93. Love the smell of clean clothes
94. I love to laugh and like to be in a good mood.
95. I am a massage slut-I will take a massage from anyone who is willing to give me a massage-except gross-pervy guys-I do have my limits
96. Enjoy Manicures and pedicures
97. I don't like the creepy mail man guy at work-I think he has x-ray vision and can see through my clothes ;)
98.I have my motorcycle license-but never got a motorcycle-but wait till I get my HAWG(moped)
99. I have been engaged once but thank my Heavenly Father everyday it didn't work out :)
100. I will probebly never do another factoid about me:)
I'M DONE!!!!!!!
Posted by HikingHera at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
This past week is a blur but let me see if I can get your up to date. There wasn't a whole lot that happened during the week. The weekend was a lot of fun -Friday I was able to meet up with some of my AWESOME friends-Erica and Greg, Amy and Danny and Kealey and Clayt and their children-it is always so nice to be able to see dear friends and have some quality time with them.
Saturday-was so beautiful -so I couldn't resist a hike up in Boulder-Zoe the wonder dog was in HEAVEN-We weren't the only ones that took advantage of the beautiful weather-but as we continued hiking higher we saw less and less people-so we were able to enjoy nature all to ourselves. And then that night I was blessed to hangout with some pretty cool nephews -we had a lot of fun.
Monday I was able to have a "Girls night out" with some really great girls. We went to the Nuggets and Pistons game-it was a lot of fun.(I hadn't been to the Nuggets game since like high school-so it has been quite awhile.) We sat close enough that the players could of sweated on us if they wanted too ;) J/K but it was close. It was a lot of fun even though the Nuggets lost.
Today I was able to go see my g-ma in the nursing home and bring Zoe to say hi-it was great to see her. Some of the people there were so cute and just so happy to see a new face. Even though my g-ma won't remember that my mom or I was there it was still nice to see her and see how she was doing.
After rereading what I wrote I really need to take a writing class :) I need to learn to elaborate-but oh well and until I get that class this entry will have to do. Well until next time.
Posted by HikingHera at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Me and Keals(the super star)
Nugget Man shooting but it didn't help-they lost
Stefan and his boys